Calcofluor white, a nonspecific fluorochrome, will bind to the cell walls of certain fungi allowing for the direct microscopic observation of fungi in wet preparations.
CONTENTS: Calcofluor White, Evans Blue
This product is made from certified dye.
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Add a drop of stain to specimen on clean glass slide and coverslip. Place slide face down on paper toweling and push down gently allowing excess fluid to flow out of the edges of the coverslip on to the paper towels. Examine slide under UV light.
RESULTS: Fungi elements fluoresce blue-white or green depending on filter system used i.e., a G-365 excitation filter and an LP 420 barrier filter produce light of blue-white wavelength, whereas, a K530 excitation filter and a BG 12 barrier filter produce light of green wavelength.
Safety Data Sheet - Calcofluor White Stain
- UPC:
- 12352142
- Availability:
- 3-5 Days
- Type:
- Calcofluor White Stain
- Inclueds:
- Calcofluor White, Evans Blue
- Format:
- Bottle
- Hazmat:
- No
- WeightUOM:
- LB