- Solution I - Jenner Stain (Stock)
- Solution II - Giemsa Stain (Stock)
Designed for staining nuclei, cytoplasm and bacteria in tissue sections.
CONTENTS: Jenner Stain, Giemsa Stain, Methanol, Glycerin
These solutions are made from certified dyes.
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Working Jenner Solution: Mix 25 ml of Sol. I with 25 ml of distilled water. Working Giemsa Solution: Mix 50 drops of Sol. II with 50 ml. of distilled water. NOTE: This solution must be made fresh. Do not re-use. Prior to staining, specimen should be well-fixed, deparaffinized and cleared. Rinse in distilled water, 2 changes, then methanol, 2 changes at 3 minutes each. Stain in working Sol. I for 6 minutes. Stain in working Sol. II for 45 minutes. Handle each slide individually in this and subsequent steps. Differentiate in 1% glacial acetic acid, then check microscopically. Rinse in distilled water. Dehydrate in 95% ethanol, absolute ethanol and clear with xylene, 2 changes each.
RESULTS: Nuclei-blue; cytoplasm-pink to rose; bacteria-blue.
- UPC:
- 12352142
- Availability:
- 3-5 Days
- Type:
- Giemsa Stain
- Includes:
- Jenner Stain, Giemsa Stain, Methanol, Glycerin
- Format:
- Pack
- Hazmat:
- No
- WeightUOM:
- LB