CONTENTS: Eosin Y, Bismark Brown Y, Light Green SF, Yellowish, Orange G, Ethanol, Phosphotungstic Acid
These solutions are made from certified dyes (when applicable).
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Smears are alcohol-ether fixed. Smears are brought to distilled water through alcohols. Stain 2 - 3 minutes in Harris’ or Mayer’s Hematoxylin. Place in distilled water for 10 seconds. Rinse gently to prevent cells from being washed off (about 5 to 6 dips). Wash under running tap water for 6 minutes. Rinse in distilled water and transfer through graded alcohols; 10 seconds with dipping agitation in 50%, 70%, 80% and 95% alcohol. Stain in OG 6 solution for 1.5 minutes. Rinse smear dipping for 10 seconds in two individual changes of ethanol. If mucus is present, stain 1.5 minutes in EA 36, EA 50 or EA 65. In each of 3 baths of 95% alcohol, rinse for 10 seconds. In each of 2 baths of absolute ethyl alcohol, rinse for 10 seconds. Clear in 3 - 4 changes of xylene.
NOTE: For smears other than cervical scrapings, e.g. bronchial aspirates, sputum, pleural and peritoneal fluids, EA 65 is substituted for EA 50 or EA 36.
RESULTS: Following the complete Papanicolaou method of staining, results are as indicated: nuclei stain blue with clear, sharp detail; cytoplasm stain varying shades of pink, blue, yellow, green, and gray.CONTENTS: Eosin Y, Bismark Brown Y, Light Green SF, Yellowish, Orange G, Ethanol, Phosphotungstic Acid.
- UPC:
- 12352142
- Availability:
- 3-5 Days
- Type:
- Papanicolaou Staining Solutions
- Includes:
- Eosin Y, Bismark Brown Y, Light Green SF, Yellowish, Orange G, Ethanol, Phosphotungstic Acid
- Format:
- Pack
- Hazmat:
- No
- WeightUOM:
- LB