- Solution I Carbol Fuchsin
- Solution II Sulfuric Acid, 1%
- Solution III Loeffner's Methylene Blue
The nocardiae, because of unusual long-chain fatty acids in their cell walls, can retain carbol fuchsin dye with a decolorizer of 1% sulfuric acid in water, whereas other aerobic branching bacilli cannot.
CONTENTS: Basic Fuchsin, Ethanol, Methylene Blue, Phenol, Sulfuric Acid
These solutions are made from certified dyes (when applicable).
RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE: Organisms to be stained should be emulsified in a drop of distilled water on a glass slide. A known positive control and a known negative control should be stained along with the unknown strain. Allow to air dry and heat fix. Flood smear with Sol. I for 3 minutes. Wash with water. Decolorize briefly for 5 - 10 seconds with Sol. II. Counterstain with Sol. III for 30 seconds. Wash with water and allow to dry. NOTE: Due to the organisms weak or partial acid-fastness, do not exceed recommended decolorizing time.
RESULTS: Partially acid-fast organisms show reddish to purple filaments; non-acid-fast organisms stain blue
Safety Data Sheet - Acid-Fast Stain Kit (Solution I) Modified for Nocardia
- UPC:
- 12352142
- Availability:
- 3-5 Days
- Type:
- Acid-Fast Stain
- Includes:
- Basic Fuchsin, Ethanol, Methylene Blue, Phenol, Sulfuric Acid
- Format:
- Pack
- Hazmat:
- No
- WeightUOM:
- LB